When it comes down to it... We NEED your help.
Here are some of the resources we are looking for:
We can't do much without you.
Whether you are a rider, musician or just an average Joe. We
really could use your help.
Labor: skilled or otherwise. We need people to help build and set up the track. We will need people to paint, repair and build ramps. We also need people to clear weeds and brush and other tedious stuff is needed as well.
Volunteers: We need adults and older teens who are
willing to get involved and take on responsibility.
Click here to download an adult volunteer
Youth applications will be available soon.
Riders: Of course, we will need riders. Bike, Board and Blade... and by request, scooter. What do you ride?
Musicians: The first to play and work will be labeled... brave, adventurous, progressive.... Crazy?
Supplies, Tools, Equipment, etc...
Stuff: We have already received several donations including many ramps, but there are many other things that we could use. A partial list follows.
Money: We do not expect to initially have significant needs for money (more for people and stuff) but we will not turn down any monetary donations any any money received will be used with good stewardship.
While Roxtreme is getting set up, a receipt for tax purposes can be supplied.
Donations marked for Roxtreme can be made to:
Roxtreme c/o
Blue Mountain Assembly of God
9886 Otterbein Church Road
Newburg, PA 17240
None of us can do anything of any real significance by ourselves. We need others and Roxtreme needs YOUR help.
If YOU need help, send us an email or message us on MySpace or ShoutLife.
Check out our Help You page.