Although we don't talk too much about it, many people come to Roxtreme with their bike to ride and their rod to cast.
Fishing is permitted and there are many kinds of fish, but the rules and laws need to be followed.
As with any thing that has a risk (yes, fishing can be dangerous - hooks, etc...) there needs to be a completed waiver for each individual.
In the main pond there are:
Blue Gill
Sun Fish (various kinds)
Large Mouth Bass
Yellow Perch
Cat Fish
America Eel
and various minnows and shiners.
Fishing is catch and release only, unless otherwise specified. Occasionally we will allow Blue Gill to be harvested, but ask first and carefully return all other fish to the water as quick as possible.
Folks have asked about the possibility of ice fishing.
It is possible, but we are still looking more into it. It's not too pressing this time of year.