If you have read through the information on the requirement page and agree to everything then download the application/info sheet and get it back to us.
Please Note: Because of the current dual purpose (Uprise Fest and Roxtreme) we are getting applications from much further areas geographically than we would have ever imagined. It probably does not make too much sense for bands that are a great distance from South Central, PA to apply. We are not trying to shut anyone down, or be discouraging... but, if you need to drive hours and hours and cross multiple state lines it would probably be daunting to you - at best.
Artist Application - PDF Format
You can (in most
versions) fill out the form by typing and print it out and
mail it to us OR you can print it out and fill it out by hand and
mail it to us. Soon you will also be able to fax it in.
Artist Application - Microsoft
This is the Microsoft Word version. Word can be a pain with
variations between different versions, be we know it's most people's
Being rebuilt.
We have had people send the app back as screen shot or an image (jpg, tif, etc.) file. Some have ripped the text and there have been other creative ways as well. We are taking all the data you give us and putting it in a database, so it doesn't matter too much to us what form you send it to us, but the ideal format for us is Open Office IF it is not a big strain for you. Our second choice would be something other than an image so we can copy and paste your responses. But, again, ANYthing that works for you we will be happy to work with.
Here is our email address: info@Roxtreme.org
Have some questions about how to fill out the application? Click Here
Are you another venue or an outreach ministry in the South Central, PA region. We have developed this application with hopes that it benefits more than just Roxtreme. Fell free to email us for details.
We are asking bands to fill out a form so that we can gather information to most effectively serve both the artists and the fans in scheduling shows, etc...
Have some questions about the paperwork? Click Here