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Spiritual Musical Influences

OK, this is where I could type for hours (or days) but I'll try to keep it short. Focusing only on the side of music that generally aligns it's self with Christianity. There is a wide range of approaches.  We are NOT saying which one is what God has called you to!

There are musicians that are all and only about ministry... some really aren't musicians at all but use music as a ministry. Period. If something else came up, they would switch to that ministry method.

There are musicians that are ministry focused, they want to sound good, but getting the message out is most important.

There are musicians that are ministry oriented. Music is their thing and they are really glad they get to use it for something real and eternal and they would be frustrated if their was not accepted in at least part of the Christian community because they love to play.

There are musicians who are music centric. They love music. They are musicians and they often end up creating music that reflects God's principles, but they may also write songs about whatever else inspires them.

There are musicians who are totally art focused and they write about whatever is going on in their life. Being Christians, their world view is in keeping with God's word, but they really don't seek to write "Christian" songs.

There are musicians who would rather people not know that they are Christians because it may limit who hears the music or where they play... and they want to be effective more places and are rather stealth in their approach.

There are musicians who would rather people not know that they are Christians because it limit who hears the music or where they play... and they want to be able to play anywhere and don't want slack if they cover a secular song, etc.  In some ways they are a bit secretive.

There are musicians who don't want people not know that they are Christians because it puts them in a box and they don't want to loose any creativity.  Creativity or perhaps, making a living is first and they can almost be like Peter the night Jesus was crucified.  (is that harsh?)

and of course the list above is mostly junk because there are musicians who align themselves with Christianity who would not feel comfortable being in any of the above slots.   


Question we get asked... Why are we trying to rank or rate artists? 

We really aren't.  Define yourselves...

But, we do feel we need to know so we can be effective in what we are called to do. 

This DOES NOT mean we only are interested in "praise bands"  - that actually couldn't be further from the truth.