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Roxtreme Name

So what is the definition or meaning of the Roxtreme name?

Well you may be surprised.  There are many layers to the name.  These are not necessarily in any order.  (so, some are a bit cheesy, that may be why this page is pretty well hidden)

  • The whole idea initially started to come to light after we had bulldozer work done and modified a stream which quickly became known as the "Rock Stream"

  • The venue has all types of music, but the core is rock oriented... and there is a stream (different one then the one mentioned above) running right in front of the stage.... through the venue.

  • We are pretty sure that at some point the music will run like a stream: consistent, ever present, refreshing.

  • We are in Roxbury and Roxtreme is rather Extreme...

  • We look for riders who are rock solid and as fluid as a stream.

  • Christ is the Rock that our faith is built on and His Word says: "Whoever believes in me - streams of living water will flow from within him."  John 7:38

  • Matthew 7:25 (New International Version)

    The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock.


What is in a Name?

Does your name mean anything?  Did you grow up with your family giving you stuff explaining the "meaning" of your name?

I remember a plaque, little trading cards and a poster.