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We want to help you!

When it comes down to it... We ALL Need help sometimes.  While we can't be everything to everyone, we would like to help point you to the ONE who can and to let you know that you aren't alone in the midst of whatever you are going through. 


We are glad to talk to you about what you are going through. 

We don't pretend to have all the answers, but we have some.... and we can try our best to get the answers to others. 


It might sound like something you would hear your grandmother say, but prayer works and we would be honored to pray for you.


To be honest, this is the hardest thing to come by.  But we are hoping and believing that at Roxtreme there will be people that are willing to give up some time for you.  We know that trust often takes time to build and we want to find more ways to offer that.


We want to help you. 

Do you ever feel like you can't do it alone? 

 We all do sometimes.