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FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

Venue FAQs

Q: When is your next show?
A: Our schedule is found here, also  MySpace, Facebook, etc...

Q: What do I do to have my band/my favorite band/my daughters group/the church ministry team... play at Roxtreme?
A: Start here if you are a musician.  If you just think that you know someone who you would really like to see play here, send us a message

Q: What should I expect coming to Roxtreme for a show?
A: Roxtreme is very simple.  An overview can be found here.  We would recommend bringing a blanket or chair if you wish to sit.  Dress like you would for a hike.  Think about the time of year.  An keep these basics in mind:

Simple, think primitive - camp like, and not the fancy camps either. 

● Seating, think ground (who sits at most shows anyway?)

Outside, think weather, temperature, etc...

● New, think learning curve, dirt and basics. 

Also, see our Know Before You Go page. 

Q: What's the deal with donations to enter?  Who get the money?
A: We have a simple formula for dividing the money between the artists.  They get 100% of the money, but that is not the whole story.  Just as we ask you donate to the show, we ask the artists to donate to the venue so we can maintain the equipment, cover costs and improve so things are not always quite so primitive.   

NOTE: touring bands artists are not on a donation basis.  They have fixed costs that are not always covered even when everyone pays their cover.

Riding FAQs

Q: What is the cost to ride?
A: Roxtreme is FREE!  There is no cost.  We will accept donations, but we intend to never charge a fee to use the facilities.

Q: Is Roxtreme a religious facility
A: No.  We believe in what God did through His son, Jesus Christ, and we try to live it and we aren't shy about it, but religion is a human thing.  When Christ was on earth He really didn't seem too impressed with our (human) attempt at being "OK" through religion. 

Q: Do you have certain rules to be able to ride or hang out at Roxtreme?
A: Yes, we are in the process of documenting the rules.  See the page that is in progress by clicking here.

Q: Is Roxtreme safe?
A: We don't want to discourage anyone, but we really believe that there is no such thing as safe.  There are risks with everything, we cannot guarantee your safety and think anyone or anyplace who does is at best insincere. 

Q: Is Roxtreme Insured?
A: No.  We do not make any apologies,  a reality in today's world is that liability insurance is VERY expensive even for traditional sports and exorbitant for extreme sports.  In one way of speaking... Roxtreme is built on the PA Land use laws for a layer of protection and the waiver provides another layer. 

Q: What does the Roxtreme name mean?
A: A whole bunch.  Look here.

More faq's to come.  Stay tuned.

Band / Artist  Requirements Roxtreme Main Logo


Other Specific faq's coming soon...

Bike FAQ's

Skate FAQ's

Band FAQ's

Parent FAQ's